Find everything you want to know about the student experience and campus life at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, through our QMU Blog.

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Dean Village
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For any new students starting their first semester at QMU this September 2021, we’ve created a mi... read more

People standing in front of refugees welcome sign
Refugee integration - shaping policy and practice globally

Ongoing research by QMU demonstrating the unequivocal need to prioritise ‘connectedness’ within r... read more

A group of young people engaged in dialogue in a classroom setting.
Critical dialogue - developing confidence in young people

Critical dialogue is helping young Scots and Malawians develop confidence and gain empowerment.... read more

Towards a Sensory Political Agency: Trauma in Experimental Documentary Film Adspot
Towards a Sensory Political Agency: Trauma in Experimental Documentary Film

Blog Author - Regina Mosch My practice research begins where a traumatic experience collides with... read more

A group of students in their 20s are smiling at the camera and holding framed awards at a local film event in Edinburgh.
QMU students win big at 48-Hour Film Project

This May, a team of hardy QMU film, theatre and drama students called The Ninjalbatrosses took pa... read more

QMU students chatting beside a pond on a university campus in the sunshine
What happens after you've applied to University?

So you’ve applied to University for your undergraduate degree, but now what happens?  Applying fo... read more

Four medical practitioners wearing blue scrubs stand smiling at the camera against a plain wall, with a large plant in the background.
What is person-centred care?

What is person-centred care and how is QMU’s research in this field informing Person-Centred Prac... read more