Trusted Research

Trusted Research is a UK Government initiative to ensure that international collaboration in research and innovation is safe from potential theft, manipulation and exploitation, including as a result of interference by hostile actors.

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)  has an established a trusted research and innovation (TR&I) work programme in response to the increasing need across the sector to:

  • Help manage and provide guidance and support in ensuring collaborative activities are done safely and securely.
  • Minimise the risks associated with operating within a global research and innovation ecosystem while maximising the opportunities.

The Trusted Research agenda is especially relevant to those researchers working in STEM disciplines, developing potential dual use technologies and working with emerging technologies in commercially and security sensitive areas.

Researchers should get familiar with the guidance and take appropriate steps to protect their research, their data and their personal security against misuse, theft and potential threat. All steps need to be proportionate to the risk and balanced with academic freedoms. Researchers can use the academic checklist when considering partnerships, the internal processes for Due Diligence to mitigate risk and follow best practices relating to cybersecurity, data management, travel and conference attendance. 

You can watch these Cabinet Office risk case study videos to help you learn more about potential risks and help you make informed decisions.

Kim Stuart, Director of Research and Innovation is the central QMU RCAT Contact, and can liaise directly with the government Research Collaboration Advice Team on your behalf.