Poster 1 NCD Actors Updated
The involvement of key global actors in NCD response in low-middle income countries
Kanykey Jailobaeva, Jennifer Falconer, Giulia Loffreda, and Stella Arakelyan
Presented at 6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, November 8-12, 2020
In 2016, 71% of 56.9 million global deaths were caused by NCDs. Three quarters of NCD deaths (31.5 million) occurred in LMICs. Almost half of these deaths (46%) occurred before the age of 70.
In the past decade, NCDs have come forward in the global agenda. NCDs were also included in the Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 3.4). However, only about 1.81% of DAH was spent on NCDs in 2019.
The study examined the involvement of key global actors in NCD action.
Research questions |
Data source |
Who are the key actors and institutions investing in NCDs? Through which channels do they provide funding? | Analysis of Financing Global Health Data Studies identified through the literature search |
Are NCDs clearly mentioned in the policies of donors? a) If yes, how do donors explain their investment in NCDs? b) If no, what health priorities do they have in their policies? How do donor policies explain a lack of their investment in NCDs? |
Analysis of policy documents
Studies identified through the literature search |
How do donor funding and policies influence other stakeholders (recipient governments and non-state actors) in NCD action? |
Analysis of policy documents
Studies identified through the literature search |
• 43% of DAH committed to NCDs in 2019 came from private philanthropies, including the Gates Foundation.
• Bilateral donors (39%) were the second source of DAH for NCDs. The UK and the US are the largest bilateral investors in NCDs, contributing approximately 19% each of total bilateral investment.
• NGOs are the key channels of funding for NCDs, spending 51% of the funds from donors in 2019.
• Multilateral actors are responding to the emergence of NCDs by shifting investment into this area more markedly than bilateral donors.
• Efforts of bilateral and multilateral actors primarily focus on promoting Universal Health Coverage and strengthening Health Systems; while the causes driving NCDs are not prioritized.
• WHO’s best-buys are underused and there are implementation challenges at the national level.
• Philanthropic foundations and NGOs play a key role in NCD action. However, there is limited research on these actors.
This research was funded by the NIHR Global Health Research Programme 16/136/100. The
views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.