QMU Mediation Training Accredited
Did you know this week is his week is UK Mediation Awareness Week (8-14 October)?
In contribution to raising awareness, the Consumer Dispute Resolution Centre (CDRC) at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is delighted to announce that their Mediation Practice training course has received accreditation by the Scottish Mediation Network.
The CDRC at Queen Margaret University is a Centre of Excellence for continuing professional development, research and knowledge exchange, and consultancy relating to dispute resolution, complaint management and consumer policy. It is a leading provider of ombudsman and complaint handling courses.
The CDRC Mediation Practice course was designed and delivered by two Queen Margaret University lecturers, Carolyn Hirst and Craig Cathcart, who are both also mediation practitioners. The course was designed to cover the three elements of mediator competency defined by the Scottish Mediation Network. These are managing the process, managing the people and communication in mediation.
Carolyn Hirst explains that “The CDRC Mediation Practice course is interactive and practice-based with a case study focus. It aims to provide participants with the skills and understanding they need to develop a critical and reflective approach to mediation practice. In particular, course participants are asked to reflect on how the learning could be applied to their own practice relating to dispute resolution.”
She goes on to say that “Craig and I were ably assisted on the first run of the course by Abbey Krause and Andrew Boyd, two experienced mediators who work for the Cyrenians Conflict Resolution team. We also enjoyed contributions from a number of other skilled and qualified volunteer mediators, who helped us with the role plays and feedback.”
Course participants have been positive about this new course, with feedback saying “ Really enjoyed the content and structure. This really led us through the process step by step and allowed time to assimilate all the information and move on without forgetting what you learned earlier. Lots and lots of practice. ” Also, when ask what the participants enjoyed, one responded “The role play (amazingly). Having the mediators here to do that was fantastic. Felt the progress in my own skills over the four days was incredible. May not be a mediator yet but am sure I will be able to draw and build on these skills in my home life, work life and elsewhere.”
The CDRC Mediation Practice course was first delivered as a module in the Queen Margaret University MSc in Dispute Resolution. This MSc is mainly delivered online and other modules include Mediation Theory, Complaint Management and Consumer Behaviour, Independent Investigation and Adjudication, and Communication in Dispute Settings. More information on the MSc can be obtained from Chris Gill (cgill@qmu.ac.uk) who is the MSc programme leader.
The CDRC has plans to expand their mediation training offering, and to also expand their role in research and consultancy relating to the use of mediation. Carolyn Hirst chirst@qmu.ac.uk can be contacted in relation to this. You can find out more about the work of the CDRC from Carol Brennan (cbrennan@qmu.ac.uk) who is the Centre Director.
For more information on Mediation Awareness Week, visit: www.mediationawarenessweek.org.uk
For more information on QMU’s Consumer Dispute Resolution Centre, visit: www.qmu.ac.uk/research_knowledge/consumer-dispute-resolution-centre.aspx
For more information on QMU’s MSc/ PgDip/ PgCert Dispute Resolution, visit:
Notes to Editor
For further media information contact Lynne Russell, Marketing Manager, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E: lrussell@qmu.ac.uk T: 0131 474 0000, M: 07711 011239 and Jon Perkins, Press and PR Officer, E: jperkins@qmu.ac.uk T: 0131 474 0000.