Thomas Raison – BA (Hons) Business Management (Fast Track): QMU Employer Mentoring Programme

By Press Office

QMU student, Thomas Raison, was in his final year studying for a BA (Hons) Business Management (Fast Track) when he found out about the QMU Employer Mentoring Programme through the University’s Careers & Employability team.

Thomas was looking for professional guidance and insight into the finance sector as his potential career choice.

QMU’s Careers & Employability team matched Thomas with a finance professional, Arthur Lawrence from Santander Bank, who gave him one-to-one mentoring advice and guidance on effective networking, as well as introducing him to key industry contacts.

Thomas was given the opportunity to meet Santander clients and staff face to face and find out what their day-to-day finance jobs involve. Thomas’ mentor also gave him the chance to meet the head of graduate recruitment at Santander to discuss future career opportunities with the bank.

Commenting on his experience of the QMU Employer Mentoring Programme, Thomas said: “I had a great time as part of the Programme and got more out of the experience than I expected.

“Over the space of a just a few months, my mentor gave me direct access to some highly experienced and influential people working in the finance sector, who all provided me with a really valuable insight into what could become my chosen career path.”

Thomas’ mentor, Arthur Lawrence, is a Relationship Director for Santander Bank who specialises in education, renewables and healthcare. Arthur said, “Thomas has really grown professionally by meeting a number of Bank staff who undertake various roles within the organisation and has also undertaken a site visit to meet a renewables customers of the bank.

“I’m pleased that he now has a better understanding of the wide variety of roles within the banking industry and also how the Graduate Assessment scheme works.”

Following his experience as part of the QMU Employer Mentoring Programme, Thomas is now studying finance and management at postgraduate level.

QMU’s Careers & Employability team is now recruiting for new mentors to take part in the 2015-16 QMU Employer Mentoring Programme. For more information and to sign up, contact Juan Garcia, Employability & Development Adviser, E: or call 0131 474 0000.

Notes to Editor

For further media information please contact Jonathan Perkins, Press and PR Officer, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, tel: 0131 474 0000, Email:

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