Welcome to the Research and Knowledge Exchange QMU

Research and Knowledge Culture

Our vision is to achieve an international research profile that ranks QMU as one of the leading post-92 universities in Scotland. Our Research and Knowledge Exchange (KE) is focused on improving quality of life and building the evidence base for policy and practice through world- leading interdisciplinary, translational research and external collaboration.

We work at the intersection of conventional disciplinary groupings to create innovative approaches to contemporary societal challenges and public discourse, and make a significant contribution to the creation and sharing of knowledge that reaches and influences a broad range of regional and international stakeholders. Our researchers benefit from different perspectives and interdisciplinary expertise that comes from being part of a community of researchers from across the University.

QMU is dedicated to building a supportive, considerate and highly motivated research culture based on diversity, inclusivity and mutual respect across all activities to help us to attract and retain our talented staff and students. Equality of opportunity is essential to achieving research excellence and we believe our diversity of thought and culture is fundamental to our ability to solve complex challenges. We aim to remove barriers, eliminate discrimination and make sure all researchers have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We offer researcher development training and mentoring; funded initiatives; interdisciplinary events; support for external collaboration; enterprise and innovation services; grant writing support; and career and professional resources to enhance employability, with opportunities to meet others and become part of our vibrant research community.

Membership of QMU Research Centres, Institutes and KE Centres

Our Research Centres, Institute and Knowledge Exchange (KE) Centres work at the intersection of conventional disciplinary groupings to create innovative approaches to contemporary societal challenges and public discourse and allow us to externally articulate our diverse strengths concisely and persuasively.

They are the key drivers in the implementation of our Research and KE Strategy and for excellence in our research culture. Our Research Centres are led by members of the Professoriate and receive annual investment from the University for researcher development.

Members of Research Centres are categorised as Full, Honorary, Associate and Affiliate, and may be full-time or part time members of staff (including those on fixed term contracts). All members of staff, including contract research staff, are strongly encouraged to engage with the work of the Research Centres as valued members of our researcher community. Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Committed to supporting our European partners and researchers and the global values that define QMU

In strengthening international research collaboration in response to the UK’s departure from the EU, we remain committed to being an open, inclusive and internationally-focused university. Sustaining the cultural and intellectual links that have been shaped through European integration is key to our strategy post-Brexit. Excellence in our Research and KE has been stimulated by different intellectual contexts arising from long term cross-border collaborations. We continue to support this through our European partnerships, which are focused on social inclusion, person centred practice, culture and business education.

We are working with the sector to continue to support a post-Brexit environment, developing approaches to researcher and doctoral student mobility and recruitment, research partnerships, funding and grants that ensure QMU continues to thrive. We remain committed to supporting our EU partners and researchers and the global values that define QMU.

Support for External Collaboration

QMU works closely with Universities Scotland and has very strong research links and networks with the other Scottish Higher Education Institutions. We are always pleased to support researchers, at all career stages, in developing external collaborative alliances. If you need support with this, please contact: Research & knowledge Email Address


Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021

QMU submitted to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021. The submission was structured around 7 Units of Assessment (UoA) and included 14 Impact Case Studies. Full details of our REF 2021 submission are available on our QMU intranet site. Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

QMU Annual Researcher Development Programme

Each academic year we publish an annual programme of Researcher Development Training supplemented by a range of ad hoc training events and opportunities. External partnership and collaboration with other Higher Education Institutions is key to delivery. We welcome feedback and suggestions from researchers on researcher development needs. Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

Teaching, Research and Academic Mentoring Scheme (TRAMS)

QMU is a partner in the cross-institutional Teaching, Research and Academic Mentoring Scheme (TRAMS) led by the University of St Andrews and the University of Dundee and in partnership with Abertay University, Glasgow School of Art, the James Hutton Institute and Trinity College Dublin (School of Medicine). The TRAMS Scheme pairs experienced Teaching and Research Academics (mentors) with colleagues at an earlier career stage (mentees), to provide guidance and structured support, in addition to peer to peer mentoring. The scheme covers all career stages. We actively welcome involvement from mentees and mentors from all staff. In addition to mentoring, the TRAMS scheme offers a range of inter-institutional development and training opportunities. Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

Collaborative Mentoring with Edinburgh Napier University

Additional opportunities for contract research staff mentoring are also available as part of our wider research collaborations with Edinburgh Napier University. Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

QMU Contract Research Staff (CRS) Support and Engagement

Contract Research Staff (CRS) make an valuable contribution to QMU’s research culture and we recognise that they are fundamental to our ability to develop and deliver excellent research. We have an active group of CRS and a dedicated mailing list to ensure that our CRS community is kept up to date with the latest sector and institutional developments as well as opportunities to engage in policy development and participate in decision making processes. Research in universities is often carried out by CRS. Typically, when research is funded by external research funders, CRS are employed to work on a specific research project, on a fixed term, research-oriented contract.

We have opportunities for nominated CRS representatives on all Research and KE related and policy informing committees and working groups. Our institutional CRS Mentor and our Research Strategy Committee CRS representatives are key contacts. Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

Researcher Development Concordat and 10 Year HR Excellence in Research Award

QMU is committed to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, commonly known as the Researcher Development Concordat, an agreement between stakeholders to improve employment and support for researchers and researcher careers in higher education in the UK.

It sets out three clear principles of: environment and culture; employment; and professional and career development. The principles are underpinned by obligations for the four key stakeholder groups: funders; institutions; and researchers and managers of researchers, to realise the aims of the Concordat. You can find QMU’s Action Plan for the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers 2020-22 on our website. Central to this activity is an ethos of co- creation and importantly shared-ownership between the institution and its researcher community. Our Concordat for Researcher Development Working Group leads work in this area and comprises members of our research community.

We fully support the principles of the Concordat and will continue to engage with its vision to ensure ongoing enhancement of the professional and career development of our research staff. The University also endorses the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

In 2021, QMU was in the first cohort of 5 UK Higher Education Institutions and the first post 92 institution to be awarded the 10 Year the HR Excellence in Research Award. Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address


10 Days Professional Development Training

This is one of the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, which explains that the 10 days professional development training is an allowance for researchers to develop their professional competencies and gain experience to support their future career. Examples might include attending a training course or workshop, workplace shadowing, participating in a mentoring scheme (as mentor or mentee), committee membership, participating in policy development, public engagement, or knowledge exchange activities.

Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS)

QMU participates in CEDARS. This biennial national survey (run in odd-numbered years) is intended to gather anonymous data about working conditions, career aspirations and career development opportunities for research staff and research leaders in Higher Education Institutions. CEDARS is based on a standard question set to allow for UK benchmarking with other institutions and longitudinal comparison. It also provides valuable data for measuring progress in the implementation of QMU’s Action Plan for the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers 2020-22 and to achieving and maintaining the HR Excellence in Research Award as reported in our REF 2021 environment statements.

CEDARS represents a key opportunity for research staff to share views about their experiences and viewpoints. QMU endorses the principles of the Concordat, and this is exemplified by the many activities underway which demonstrate our commitment to our researchers and their broader skills development. We encourage all staff to submit their responses to the survey to allow for robust QMU reporting of progress and the creation of a national benchmark for the Concordat. Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

Responsible Use of Metrics in Research Assessment

Researchers are often aware that they should avoid the use of dubious metrics or other proxies for research quality. QMU’s Institutional Statement on the Use of Metrics in Research Assessment offers a useful guide to responsible research assessment. It provides a set of principles outlining good practice. It outlines QMU’s commitment to:

  • Becoming a signatory to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) to underpin its commitment to the responsible use of research metrics.
  • Adopting the principles of the Leiden Manifesto.
  • Implementing the recommendations of the Forum for Responsible Research Metrics (FFRRM) and the principles of the Metric Tide Report.

QMU Working Paper Series

The QMU Working Paper Series aims to create a space for innovative thinking on collaborative, interdisciplinary and co-produced research to emerge and take shape. It intends to be a friendly, open space to disseminate, circulate and discuss continuing research. The objective is to support conversation and debate about new work, stimulating a lively exchange of ideas as well as enhancing networking and potential external collaboration among researchers, thinkers, practitioners and users.

Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion

EURAXESS is a joint initiative of the European Commission and 33 European members and associated countries to create a more favourable environment for researchers to move freely in the European Research Area. It provides a range of information and support services to researchers who wish to study or work in Europe or stay connected to it. The EURAXESS network has more than 200 centres across 40 European countries that offer direct help to researchers to move between countries. It also provides links to international, European, national and regional web resources covering:

  • Research fellowships and grants.
  • Research job vacancies published by universities, industry, research organisations, foundations, etc.
  • Administrative and legal issues related to moving from one country to another and up to-date information about cultural and family-related issues (housing, schooling, day-care, language courses, etc).
  • Policies relevant to the career development of researchers in Europe.

EURAXESS UK is led by the British Council and provides up-to-date information and assistance to researchers who wish to work either within the UK or abroad. To promote researcher mobility, QMU is part of a network of Euraxess local contacts points across universities in the UK to support researchers who are entering or leaving the country.

Contact: Research & knowledge Email Address

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Early Career Researcher (ECR) Forum

QMU encourages its ECRs to engage with this important UK community of ECRs and innovators from across the research and innovation system. It offers ECRs a voice in UKRI’s strategy, policy development and decision making. The forum will give a say to roles including postdoctoral researchers, research associates and other staff whose primary responsibility is to conduct research, offering a direct route to engage with UKRI. To join the forum you need to complete an application form. You can apply at any time, however, applications are normally reviewed in batches, every three months.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Concordat for Open Research

QMU is committed to opening up research data for scrutiny and reuse, to enable high-quality research, drive innovation and increase public trust in research.

We support the principles in the Concordat for Open Research Data that recognise that research data should, wherever possible, be made openly available for use by others in a manner consistent with relevant legal, ethical, disciplinary and regulatory frameworks and norms, and with due regard to the cost involved.

Our institutional Research Data Management Group and Policy aims to ensure that our research data management practices meet the highest standards, setting out our expectations so that all stakeholders recognise their responsibilities and obligations and can contribute to data being maintained and preserved as identifiable, discoverable, retrievable, and reusable assets.

We continue to exploit the full potential of the open innovation paradigm by exploring ways to make the outcomes of our Research and KE more accessible to external stakeholders and enhance research infrastructure for impact husbandry and curation. Specifically we are committed to exploring ways to make our campus more open and increase the flow of people between QMU and government/ industry/third sector and vice versa to promote action learning.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Concordat for Research Integrity

QMU is committed to maintaining the highest standards of research integrity and therefore complies with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity. This Concordat seeks to provide a comprehensive national framework for good research conduct and its governance. The Concordat sets out five commitments, laying out expectations upon researchers and the institution. The Concordat also provides assurances to government, the wider public and the international community that research in the UK continues to be underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

QMU Membership of the Research Integrity Office (UKRIO)

QMU is a member of the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO). As part of this membership, UKRIO provides independent, expert and confidential advice on the conduct of academic, scientific and medical research, from promoting good practice to addressing poor practice and misconduct. This is open to all, including members of the public, research participants, patients, individual researchers, research students and research organisations. UKRIO welcomes enquiries on general or hypothetical topics, as well as those on specific research projects, issues and cases.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Research Integrity Training for QMU Researchers

Through collaboration with the University of Dundee, training modules are available to all researchers to support understanding of research integrity and compromised integrity issues and to instil a culture of good practice. Responsible and Ethical Practice in Research is an online video-based training course designed to promote researcher awareness and engagement with research integrity issues. Available on the Hub and via our HR DEVELOP system, the course covers:

  • Plagiarism and recycling of text and research outputs.
  • Authorship and collaborative research and data management.
  • Peer review and publication ethics and general issues such as research misconduct and questionable research practice

Scottish Universities Research Integrity Network (SRIN)

QMU is a member of the Scottish Universities Research Integrity Network (SRIN) and the Scottish Collaborative Group for Responsible Innovation. These provide excellent resources and networks for good practice.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

QMU Research Ethics

QMU has well-established regulations, procedures and guidelines for research ethics. The Research Ethics Panel is responsible for the scrutiny of internal applications for ethical approval for all research projects. The panel monitors ethical standards in research and advises on the related ethical principles, regulations and procedures.

Contact QMU Ethics Research Ethics Email Address 

NHS Research Ethics and Governance

We work pro-actively with the East of Scotland NHS Ethics service to support researchers seeking ethical and management approval for NHS research. We have an annual QMU NHS Research Ethics and Governance Training Session to which all research staff are invited to attend. This covers good ethical practice and standards which can be applied to all disciplines.Contact QMU Ethics Research Ethics Email Address 

Clinical Trials Registration

If you need to register clinical trials on the Clinical Trials.Gov website, the QMU co-ordinating contact point is Research & knowledge Email Address

Safeguarding and Research

Safeguarding is defined as taking all reasonable means to prevent harm from occurring; to protect people, especially vulnerable adults and children, from that harm; and to respond appropriately when harm does occur. The scope of QMU safeguarding activity covers any sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment of research participants, communities and research staff, plus any broader forms of violence, exploitation and abuse relevant to research such as bullying, psychological abuse and/or physical violence.

Safeguarding is a high priority among UK funders and QMU is committed to ensuring that safeguarding implications are properly considered and managed during the lifetime of research projects. QMU has a number of existing policies and procedures to support researchers in the identification and mitigation of safeguarding concerns. These are available on our dedicated QMU Safeguarding in Research and Innovation Webpage.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Whistleblowing Policy

The QMU Whistleblowing Policy allows researchers to raise concerns or to disclose information which they believe shows wrongdoing by the university or its staff that is of public interest.

Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility

Researchers benefit from the extensive training seminars and events hosted by the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility (WTCRF) in Edinburgh. The WTCRF provides an extensive multi-professional programme of education in the skills and tools required to carry out clinical research. It delivers over 60 training courses and seminars each year and works to meet the changing needs of clinical researchers locally and across Scotland. QMU utilises videoconferencing and web streaming technologies to support researchers in accessing this facility. Dedicated support is provided to Contract Research Staff (CRS) in accessing WTCRF courses.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Researcher Wellbeing

Our research culture is underpinned by a commitment to the promotion of researcher mental health and wellbeing, through for example, the effective management of workloads and people, and effective policies and practice for tackling discrimination, bullying and harassment, including providing appropriate support for those reporting issues. Researchers can participate in the institutional Staff Wellbeing Working Group and we run regular workshops on Mental Health First Aid. A number of collaborative researcher wellbeing workshops take place each year including Academic Writing: Reduce Anxiety and Wellbeing in Academic Research. All Scottish Higher Education Institutions are committed to sharing researcher wellbeing resources. A link to these is available on our research intranet page.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address


Vitae is the main UK body dedicated to realising the potential of researchers through transforming their professional and career development in local and global contexts. QMU is a member of Vitae, allowing all researchers to access a range of networks, resources and expertise for career development.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Vitae – Researcher Development Framework Planner (RDF)

QMU has an institutional subscription to the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF). Researchers can use the RDF Planner for professional development, to identify strengths, action plan, review achievements and create a portfolio of evidence.

Through the RDF Planner QMU can direct researchers to suitable courses and development opportunities linked to the RDF. Contact Graduates School Email Address

Scottish Policy and Research Exchange (SPRE)

The Scottish Policy and Research Exchange (SPRE) is a network of professionals working together to deliver evidence-informed policy in practice. QMU’s membership of SPRE helps researchers and policymakers to collaborate more effectively. Activity aims to expand the evidence base and range of expert voices available to the policy community and to help scholars – especially but not exclusively within the social sciences - to maximise the impact of research. Activities fall into three broad categories:

  • Training and mentoring opportunities delivered in conjunction with partners
  • Digital platforms providing tools for researchers and policy professionals.
  • Bespoke tools addressing particular policy challenges.

We organise regular QMU/SPRE training events and seminars.

 Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Scottish Parliament Academic Network (SPAN)

QMU is an active member of the Scottish Parliament Academic Network. The network builds on an existing collaboration set up between the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICE), Scotland’s Futures Forum, Beltane and the Scottish Universities Insight Unit to encourage collaboration and KE between the Scottish Parliament and the academic community. Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Knowledge Exchange (KE) Concordat

QMU was one of the first Scottish universities to sign up to the new national agreement in which UK institutions commit to develop their KE activities. The KE Concordat seeks to enhance KE within universities through the exchange of good practice and act as a catalyst for collaboration between universities and wider society.

Our approach to KE values the initiation and sharing of mission led/ challenge based ideas that are focused on a broader perspective through the provision of a more holistic evidence base and added value for inclusive economic growth. We want to support our researchers and students to challenge conventional wisdom and inform new agendas, injecting knowledge and seeding ideas.

The QMU KE Concordat Working Group leads work in this area and comprises members of our researcher community.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research

QMU is committed to being an engaged university. QMU has signed up to the Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research which was developed by the UK’s Research Funding Bodies. The aim of the Concordat is to create a greater focus on and help embed Public Engagement to enable researchers to share insights and maximise impact pathways. Public participation and civic engagement are key to the QMU researcher journey. Institutionally we play an integral role in public discourse and evidence based decision making through imparting knowledge and informed and measured views, and by shaping debates.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

The Edinburgh Beltane Public Engagement (PE) Network

QMU is a member of the Edinburgh Beltane Public Engagement Network (Beltane). This is a longstanding collaborative network for researchers interested in making academic research accessible to a wide variety of audiences with an emphasis on co-production. The Beltane comprises four Edinburgh universities: the University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University and QMU. The Beltane supports researchers through formal and informal learning programmes, fellowships, and opportunities to engage. They provide information about the growing field of, and issues around, public engagement through workshops, Twitter, ebulletins, and introductory sessions.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

National Co-coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)

QMU was an early signatory to the NCCPE Manifesto for Public Engagement. Becoming a signatory provides an opportunity to elevate our commitment to Public Engagement, exploring how it can be embedded within our research culture, incorporating the perspectives of stakeholders, user communities and members of the public. The NCCPE’s remit is to support and facilitate public engagement work within the higher education sector which makes a vital, strategic and valued contribution to 21st-century society. QMU works closely with the NCCPE to promote sector resources and training opportunities.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Equality and Inclusion in Researcher Career

QMU is committed to equality and diversity in researcher careers and is actively involved in a number of sector initiatives to promote and embed good practice in this area including the Vitae Every Researcher Counts initiative. Our Equality and Diversity Committee sets the strategic framework for equality in service provision and employment across the University.

Athena SWAN

QMU achieved a Bronze Athena SWAN Institution Award in April 2013 in light of its commitment to assisting the recruitment and retention of women in science, engineering and technology (SET) and in 2017 successfully renewed this award.

Although Athena SWAN is focussed on the SET disciplines, the Athena SWAN programme helps to identify best practice for the working environment of all staff. The University believes that the achievement of the Bronze award will continue to have a positive impact on both male and female careers and across disciplines, not just women working in science. More information can be found on the QMU intranet site.

Contact: HR Admin Email Address

Women’s Enterprise Scotland (WES)

QMU has a strategic collaboration with Women’s Enterprise Scotland (WES). WES works in support of our institutional priorities to champion the pressing enterprise and societal issue of gender inclusion and to address gender disparity in research. Carolyn Currie, CEO of WES is QMU’s Entrepreneur in Residence and is available to support researchers. WES works in collaboration with local, national and international partners towards the vision of a gender equal, diverse and inclusive innovation ecosystem.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Maintaining Contact with Legacy Researchers

QMU is committed to maintaining contact with researchers where the research they were employed to undertake and their contract of employment with the University has come to an end. Such former staff members are referred to as legacy researchers. We place high value on supporting long term collaboration with all of our research community, including activities such as grant support, publication and impact.

Contact: HR Admin Email Address

Research Careers

We support researchers in exploring and preparing for a diversity of careers, for example, through the use of mentors and careers professionals, training, and secondment. We recognise and actively encourage the movement of researchers to and from careers outwith academia, recognising that this is one of the most impactful pathways of KE.

Early Career Researchers – Careers Management Skills Course

We offer an Early Career Researchers Career Management skills course. Being an early career academic researcher can be challenging with multiple future career options. This course supports researchers in career management and reflecting on research career outcomes. All Scottish Higher Education Institutions are committed to sharing researcher career resources. A link to these is available on our research intranet page.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Tracking the Career Destination of Researchers

QMU is working in partnership with other institutions and funders to better understand researcher career destinations. We are developing a series of case studies to explore and showcase the varied research career pathways. If you would like to be involved please contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Enterprise Creation

Our on-campus Business Gateway offers support for researchers interested in setting up their own business, including a bespoke “Establishing yourself as Independent Research Consultant” training seminar.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

QMU Graduate School

The QMU Graduate School promotes an inclusive and interdisciplinary environment for PhD and Professional Doctorate students. We continue to grow our Graduate School to develop the teaching and research nexus through an enhanced doctoral experience. This is supported by the development of curricula underpinned by our critical and applied research and practitioner expertise. Staff and doctoral researchers can benefit from engaging with the READ programme. READ (researcher enhancement and development) aims to support participants to develop and enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities in creating and interpreting new knowledge through conceptualising, designing and undertaking projects and research. The READ programme is suitable for doctoral researchers and staff who wish to develop and enhance their research skills.Contact :Graduates School Email Address

Scottish Graduate Schools

QMU belongs to the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Scottish Graduate School for Social Sciences. By combining the expertise of sixteen universities across Scotland, the national Graduate Schools offer comprehensive and world-class research training in a number of discipline-specific and interdisciplinary pathways. The Schools are funded jointly by the Research Councils and the Scottish Funding Council.

contact : Graduates School Email Address

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Unit (RKEDU)

RKEDU facilitates the development and implementation of the University’s Research and Knowledge Exchange (KE) by supporting and advising the Deputy Principal on the leadership, delivery and implementation of the Research and KE Strategy.The Unit supports research policy and strategy; research culture; REF and research assessment/metrics; researcher development and training; UKRI concordats; public and civic engagement; innovation and enterprise; research governance, integrity and NHS ethics; research impact; research investments and statutory returns; and place based research initiatives. Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Research Grants and Contracts Unit (RGCU)

RGCU provides support for all aspects of applying for and managing research grants and other externally funded project income including project costing and pricing, funding applications, negotiating funder contracts and collaborative agreements, intellectual property protection, and post-award financial management and reporting. Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Research Professional

All staff have access to Research Professional, a comprehensive database of funding opportunities for research in the UK and internationally. Research Professional also provides the latest funder and policy news.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Information Services Support for Research

QMU IT provides leading technology solutions to support researchers. This includes various data storage options as well as access to leading statistical and research solutions. IT are the contact point for the Research Data Management Policy.

The IT team are always keen to work with researchers to ensure research is as productive as possible.contact QMU Support Email Address

Library Services and Research Support Librarian

In addition to an extensive range of online journals, databases, citation research tools and other dedicated research resources, our Research Support Librarian and Liaison Librarians can provide the following services:

  • Advise researchers on carrying out literature searches.
  • Advice and support on open access publishing, including support to make researchers’ work open access, advice on finding open access journals to which to submit research, and access to ‘transformative’ deals that cover article processingcharges for publishing gold open access with select publishers. Advice on meeting REF and research funders’ requirements for open access.
  • QMU’s institutional repository eResearch, and supporting researchers to make their work publicly available, and offering advice on copyright, Creative Commons Licences and other rights.
  • A repository of completed research datasets, eData, and advising on data management. The data that is archived can be made publically accessible, or stored confidentially depending upon its content, and the requirements of the researcher.

contact QMU EResearch Email Address 

Read and Publish deals (“Transformative agreements”)

QMU authors can publish gold open access in a wide variety of journals by certain publishers at no cost to the author as part of the library’s subscription to “read and publish” deals between publishers and Jisc and SCURL (Scottish Confederation of University & Research Libraries). For more information, and an up-to-date list of participating publishers, visit Gold Open Access and Read and Publish Deal Webpage

QMU Research Repositories

QMU research repositories contain a growing collection of research publications and outputs by QMU authors. QMU researchers can deposit items themselves by logging in, or have the eResearch team deposit on their behalf by sending details to contact QMU EResearch Email Address 


eData is a data repository where QMU researchers can store finished project data that, where appropriate, can be accessed and potentially re-used by other researchers.


eResearch contains a growing collection of research publications and outputs by QMU authors. Here you can find journal papers, published conference proceedings, book chapters, monographs and other research produced by QMU researchers.

Research Support: Managing Your Research Identity

It is important that researchers manage their identity to ensure that their publications and citations are properly recorded. Unique identifiers can help with this. In addition, many funders require researchers to have a unique ID.


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides researchers with a unique persistent digital identifier, allowing disambiguation from other authors with the same or similar names. Individual researchers can register with ORCID for free, complete a profile and list or match their ORCID with their publications via the CrossRef system. It is also possible to link an ORCID identifier with other identifiers, including those generated by SCOPUS, ResearcherID and LinkedIn.

We actively encourage researchers to register and share ORCID IDs.

Research Technician Team and Laboratory Support

The team consists of five experienced technician’s with a track record of providing highly specialised support to researchers for a diverse range of research areas. These include Biochemistry, Microbiology, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Speech and Language Science and Food Science.

The team ensures a safe working environment for researchers, providing guidance on using a wide variety of specialised measurement equipment, such as 3D Vicon motion analysis, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Ultrasound Electropalatography, VO2 Max Gas analysis, Electromyography, Texturometer, Viscometer and Homogeniser.

The team work in conjunction with researchers to guide them with calibration, operation and data analysis, as well as supporting development of new measurement protocols to address key research questions. 

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Marketing and Communication Team

The Marketing and Communication Team can help researchers with the following:

  • Announcing your new research funding in collaboration with government and funding bodies.
  • Publicising your findings in specialist press or mass media (print and broadcast).
  • Using print and broadcast media (including comment articles), social media, blogs and videos to raise your profile as an expert.
  • Highlighting your research on campus.
  • Promoting your research within third-party organisations.
  • Helping you put research findings in front of those that can use them in their work, including policy makers and politicians.
  • Media and social media training.

QMU Marketing Email Address

QMU Easy Intellectual Property (IP) Policy

The QMU Policy on IP Ownership is underpinned by the principle of “Easy IP”. This aligns closely with our institutional commitment to impact and translational research and provides an IP exploitation framework to maximise user engagement with our research. Central to this is the QMU objective that researchers should have free, uninhibited access to the IP they have generated during their research except in specific highly commercial circumstances and subject to external funder clauses. In support of this we have a collaboration with the University of St Andrews in the provision of back office technical expertise in IP exploitation.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

QMU Innovation Fellowships

QMU funds an Innovation Fellowship Scheme to support the translation of research into sustainable innovation led economic growth that leads to societal, cultural as well as economic impacts and outcomes. An annual call for applications is normally issued in late Spring each year.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

On Campus – Business Gateway

Our on-campus Business Gateway service provides bespoke support for researchers in enterprise creation. The Business Gateway is a Scotland-wide service, provided by a partnership of Scottish Local Authorities, Enterprise Agencies and the Scottish Government, which offers free and impartial advice and support to small business start-ups. QMU is the first Scottish university to host a Business Gateway office. Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

The Business Innovation Zone (BIZ)

The QMU Business Innovation Zone (BIZ) provides a focus for our enterprise creation activities and is open to all researchers and alumni who have an innovative idea for enterprise creation. We provide practical support in terms of incubation space, and nurture ambitions by working with partner organisations who champion enterprise education and provide free one-to-one advice, workshops, events and access to national commercialisation competitions.

Open innovation/shared SME space is key to our Estates Strategy. Within the BIZ, QMU also hosts the on-campus East Lothian Business Improvement District (BID). The BID represents 42 SMEs and offers a great network for business engagement for our researchers. We also host, on-campus, a range of external SMEs in sectors such as health, virtual reality and creative industries, many of whom work in collaboration with our researchers. This promotes inter-sectoral mobility to facilitate the movement of researchers between QMU/industry.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address


Supported by all of the Scottish Higher Education Institutions, Converge is the leading, pan Scotland, company creation programme for researchers, with the aim of creating a new generation of entrepreneurs in Scotland. There are four categories:-

  • Converge Challenge – for more established ideas with high commercial potential and scalability.
  • Creative Challenge – for innovative, new projects operating in the creative sector.
  • Impact Challenge – for mission-led businesses looking to deliver a positive social or environmental impact.
  • Kickstart Challenge – for early stage, innovative ideas.

Converge helps the most innovative and creative researchers to realise their entrepreneurial ambitions. Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Researcher Engagement with Industry

QMU is uniquely positioned to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to innovate and grow, and in turn provide growth and employment in the economy. Increasingly our focus is on demand- driven collaborative activity, addressing the needs of the key industry sectors identified within the Scottish Government’s Economic Strategy. There are a range of funding opportunities available to support SMEs to work with researchers. QMU also subscribes to a number of industry body membership groups such as Scotland Food and Drink. We provide a range of matching services to support industry engagement and are able to partner researchers with external companies.

Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

Innovation Vouchers

Through Interface, the Scottish Funding Council offer a number of funding programmes to encourage research and industry engagement to support SME’s to develop new products, processes or services or to develop their workforce. Standard Innovation Voucher funding provides grants of up to £5000 to cover the cost of any work undertaken by the University. Projects must be innovative and lead to a new product process or service or an innovative workplace business process that has benefit for both the company, the academic institution and the Scottish economy. Contact:Research & knowledge Email Address

QMU and the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal

QMU and East Lothian Council secured £30 million, from the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal towards the development of Edinburgh Innovation Park on land next to the University campus. We are using this to elevate our focus on “place–based research” to ensure connectivity and coherence in research and innovation that is strategically integrated into the regional growth agenda. As part of this development, an Innovation Hub will facilitate an expansion of the University’s existing Scottish Centre for Food Development and Innovation and will provide flexible commercial space for small and medium sized businesses. The Innovation Hub is expected to act as a catalyst for the further development of an Innovation Park, based broadly around the theme of food and drink but with opportunities for health and wellbeing, on a 52 acre site close to the University campus. The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal also promotes place based cohesion with regional Universities, including with the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier University to understand the potential of artificial intelligence and big data.

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