QMU Division of Dietetics, Nutrition and Biological Sciences - Suggested Readings
QMU Division of Dietetics, Nutrition and Biological Sciences
Suggested Readings
Please remember these are suggestions – don’t worry if you cannot access everything on this list. We are offering these in case you want to get a head start, or even just want to brush up your knowledge over the summer. Don’t rush out and buy everything – most resources will be available in the Library or online.
BSc (Hons) Nutrition
Here are some of the fundamental texts which cover learning from first and second year:
- FOX, B.A. & CAMERON, A.G. 2006* Food Science, Nutrition and Health. 6th edition. Edward Arnold
- FERRIER DR. 2017* Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry (7th edition) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- VAN NIEUWERBURGH, C., 2017. An Introduction to Coaching Skills A Practical Guide, Second edition. Los Angeles: Sage.
- GOERING, R., DOCKRELL, H., ZUCKERMAN, M., and CHIODINI, P., 2019. Mims’ Medical Microbiology. 6th Edition. Edinburgh: Elsevier.
- BATTISTA, E. 2012*. Crash Course: Pharmacology.4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
- WHITNEY, E.N.; CATALDO, C.B. & ROLFES S.R. 2011*. Understanding normal and clinical nutrition. New York.: West Publishing Company.
BSc (Hons) Physical Activity, Health & Wellbeing
What causes wellness | Sir Harry Burns | TEDxGlasgow Glasgow 2014
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How can meaning and purpose contribute to one's wellbeing? Sir Harry Burns explores the concept of salutogenesis and the impact it has on the most disadvantaged members of our community.
The reading list below is everything you will use in 2nd year. You should not buy all the books but following your Library induction, you will be able to access a lot of the material online through the QMU library, so you can get practicing with the library catalogue!
Behaviour change
- BARRY, A-M and YUILL, C., 2016., Understanding the sociology of health : an introduction, Fourth edition, Los Angeles : SAGE.
- AVERY A , WHITEHEAD K, and HALLIDAY V., 2017: How to facilitate lifestyle change; applying group education in healthcare, Wiley Blackwell.
- HIGGS, J., AJJAWI, R., MCALLISTER, L., TREDE, F. and LOFTUS, S., 2012. Communicating in the health sciences, Third edition. Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press.
- MICHIE S, RUMSEY, N., FUSSELL, A., HARDEMAN, W., JOHNSTON, M., NEWMAN S., and YARDLEY, L., 2008. Improving Health: Changing Behaviour, NHS Health Trainer Handbook. Department of Health, UK.
- SCRIVEN, A., 2017. Ewles & Simnett's Promoting health: a practical guide. Seventh edition Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- VAN NIEUWERBURGH, C., 2017. An Introduction to Coaching Skills A Practical Guide, Second edition. Los Angeles: Sage.
Health Issues in the Community
- CRAIG, G., MAYO, M., POPPLE, K., TAYLOR, M. AND SHAW, M. eds. (2011) The community development reader: History, themes and issues. Bristol: Policy Press.
- GILCHRIST, A. & TAYLOR, M. (2011) The short guide to community development. Bristol: Policy Press.
- LEDWITH, M. (2011) Community development: A critical approach. 2nd ed. Bristol: Policy Press.
- MAYO, M., MENDIWELSO-BENDEK, Z., & PACKHAM, C. (2013) Community Research For Community Development. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- ZDENEK, R.O. AND WALSH, D., 2017. Navigating Community Development: Harnessing Comparative Advantages to Create Strategic Partnerships. New York; Palgrave Macmillan.
Evidence based practice
- ALTMAN, D. 2018. Practical Statistics for Medical Research. Chapman Hall.
- BLAND, M. 2015*. An introduction to Medical Statistics. Oxford University Press.
- FIELD, A 2017* Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics. London : SAGE. Latest edition.
- GLASZIOU, P; DEL MAR, C AND SALISBURY, J. (2010). Evidence-based Practice Workbook. 2nd edition (or more recent editions). Blackwell Publishing. BMJ Books.
- GOMM, R. & DAVIES, C. 2000*. Using Evidence in Health and Social Care. The Open University. Sage Publications.
- GREENHAGH, T 2006*. How to read a paper. The basics of evidence based medicine. 3rd edition (or more recent editions). Blackwell. BMJ Books.
- HOFFMANN, T, BENNET, S AND DEL MAR, C 2013*. Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Professions. Latest edition. Churchill Livingstone. Evolve resources.
- SPARKES, A.C., SMITH, B. 2014*. Qualitative research methods in sport, exercise and health: from process to product. London : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Latest edition.
(*or most recent edition)
Exercise prescription for physical activity health and wellbeing
- BUSHMAN, B.A. and BATTISTA, R., 2014. ACSM's resources for the personal trainer 4th ed.. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
- CHODZKO-ZAJKO, W., 2014. ACSM's exercise for older adults. Philadelphia, PA : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,
- Coulson, M., 2017. The complete guide to personal training. London: Bloomsbury.
- KAMINSKY, L.A., ed. 2013. ACSM’s health-related physical fitness assessment manual. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Meyer, A. and Gullotta, T., eds. 2012. Physical activity across the lifespan: Prevention and treatment for health and well-being. New York: Springer-Verlag New York.
- McArdle, W., Katch, F. and Katch, V., 2015. Exercise physiology: Nutrition, energy, and human performance. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
- PLOWMAN, SA, & SMITH, DL 2017, Exercise physiology for health, fitness, and performance, Philadelphia Wolters Kluwer
- POWERS, S, & HOWLEY. E,T., 2018, Exercise Physiology : Theory And Application To Fitness And Performance, n.p.: New York : Wiley
Inter-professional Education
- ATWAL, A. 2009. Preparing for professional practice in health and social care. Chicester :Wiley Blackwell.
- DAY, J. 2006. Interprofessional working – an essential guide for health and social care professionals. Cheltenham: Nelson Thomas.
- COTTRELL, S. 2015. Skills for Success Personal development and Employability, 3rd Edition. London Palgrave.