Hedvig Berntson – Events Management – Level 3

Brock University, Canada

It is crazy to sit here and write about my experience as time has passed by so faaast and it’s been a real adventure. However, that I decided to do my exchange at Brock University, Ontario Canada, is by far one of the best decisions I have ever made. For me, Canada has never been a ‘top first country’ to visit, but after being here for more than nine weeks I strongly recommend it!!

Brock Uni is consider as a medium size Uni here in Canada, although its like four times as QMU. But it does not feel that big as everyone is really friendly and you can still get a connection with your professors. I really feel the engagement from the professor as they are very helpful and professional. But I’m not gonna lie, the student structure is very different and it took me a while to get used to it. At QMU it is more independent work, and due to the final exam worth more the half of the course work in % makes it busy during the week. But at Brock, you have to keep up with the work every week as the different assignment are divided into different percentage. For example, one of my course (very hard), there is no final exam, instead the participation is 30% which means that you have to be active in class, show that you are prepared and something to contribute with. Personally, I think this system is really good as it helps you to speak up and probably better for my confidence in the long-term. Brock is a good University and people are very helpful and nice, but personally the area that Brock is located is not my favourite. It’s called St. Catharine’s, and it’s really small and quite ruff. Although, St. Catharine’s, is about 1,5h by bus from Toronto, and I absolutely LOVE Toronto, me and one of my new friend here are planning to do an internship as we both feel that we want to come back. Also, St Catharine’s is part of Niagara region, and Niagara region is famous for their Wine yards and beautiful nature, which I strongly agree with.

I’m really happy that I got the opportunity to do this exchange, making friendship for life and been able to explore this beautiful country. Me and some Germans went on a road trip on reading week (I actually though reading week was meant for reading, but no). We started in the capital, Ottawa, Montreal and then Quebec City. The French part of Canada is very different comparing to Ontario, it almost feels like two different countries!!

Before coming here, I never though that I would go to so many different sports that I have, as its never been my interest. But I guess you adopt to the culture and it turned out that I really enjoy it!

Now, I’m going to end this diary with some of my (millions) of pictures from this past four moths, enjoy!!

Thank you Brock and QMU to give students this chance, meet people from all around the world and making memories for life. Now it’s time to go back to Sweden for Christmas. Will miss this very much and do not regret it for a second. Also ready for my final semester back in beautiful Edinburgh!

Semester Abroad Experiences

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