Queen Margaret University seeks new Chair of Court
The Court, Queen Margaret University’s governing body, is seeking to appoint a new Chair to take up post in March 2020.
The Chair – who will succeed Dr Frances Dow CBE - will play a crucial role in the development of the University’s vision and strategic direction and will work closely with the incoming Principal, Sir Paul Grice.
The Court is responsible for carrying out the objectives of the University, ensuring the financial sustainability of the University, and approving the strategic plan.
The Chair of the Court is responsible for the leadership and effectiveness of the Court, and for ensuring that the University is well connected with its stakeholders, including its staff and students. The Chair leads the Court in observing the highest standards of corporate governance, including those set out in the Scottish Code for Higher Education Governance.
To fulfil this important role, QMU is seeking an individual with a distinguished record of successful leadership at a senior and strategic level within a large and complex public, private or third sector organisation. Ideal candidates will be able to demonstrate excellent leadership and interpersonal skills, coupled with a strong commitment to, and affinity for, higher education.
The Court: QMU's governing body
The closing date for applications is Friday 22 November at 5pm.
Notes to Editor
1. Further information about the role of Chair and of Court members can be found About the University Court.
2. Expressions of interest are invited from individuals with experience of chairing boards and committees responsible for managing strategic issues, with knowledge of the Scottish higher education sector, or with experience of key bodies relating to education in general. The University would like to hear from those who share its values and vision, are able to subscribe to the commitments set out in the role specification.
Queen Margaret University is committed to ensuring that its Court represents the staff, students and community which it serves. As such, applications that reflect the breadth and diversity of those communities are welcomed, as are applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
3. For further media enquiries, please contact Karen Keith (Media Relations and Content Officer) at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E: kkeith@qmu.ac.uk, T: 0131 474 0000.