Silvia Pasquale, BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography

Thirty-year-old Silvia Pasquale comes from a small town close to Venice in the North of Italy. She has a passion for languages and had spent several years studying various languages in her home country before taking time off to travel around the world. After a year of globetrotting, she found herself in Scotland and decided to stay. 

Silvia tells us more about her experience of studying the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography, learning on placement and her plans for the future. 

Why did you choose Queen Margaret University? 

Queen Margaret University is one of only a handful of universities which offers the Diagnostic Radiography course in Scotland. The university has a reputation for providing a personalised experience thanks to the nature of its small campus and tight-knit community.  

What attracted you to your diagnostic radiography course at QMU?  

The possibility of integrating theory with practical hours during workshop and placement experience.  

What do you most enjoy about your course?  

I like the fact that it’s tailored around hospital placements and our future radiography career after university. 

What placements have you completed?  

"I have experienced many different placements both in and outside Edinburgh. Every hospital has been very supportive and open to students in order to provide the best learning experience for developing radiographers. My favourite overall are placements that take place in the orthopaedic theatre. I love the fast-paced environment where everybody works together like a very well synchronized machine. (I won’t mention any gruesome stuff but those are very interesting as well!) "


What did you enjoy the most and what were some of the most important lessons that you learned during your placement experience?  

I enjoyed placements in hospitals where I could get different learning experiences and contact with patients. One of the most important lessons I learnt is to ask for help when in need, because we are learning about a new profession every day which is based on teamwork and communication. 

What advice would you give to new students going out on placement?  

It can be an intimidating environment so don’t be afraid to ask for help from your classmates, radiographers and supervisors. You are there to learn, so as long as you are interested and you are enjoying it, you can’t go wrong! 

What has been the most rewarding part of your course?  

The placement experience was probably the most rewarding. My confidence really grew in that learning environment, thanks to the support of the hospital radiographers and my lecturers.  

Have you felt supported by academic and professional services staff? 

The support I received from lecturers and university staff kept me going during the four years, especially during Covid. A special shout out to the radiography librarian - always available and helpful in solving an essay crisis! 

Have you used any of QMU’s specialist support services while studying at QMU?  

 I didn’t personally use any specialist support services but I heard very positive things from other people who had benefited from using services, such as the Effective Learning Service which provides one-to-one support for students with any part of their learning.  

What are your career plans following graduation?  

For the first year following graduation, I would like to work in one of the NHS hospitals in Edinburgh. Then I might study a master in sonography – maybe in Scotland or in Europe where I can be closer to my family. 

Describe your course in three words.   

Dynamic, challenging and fun! 

Would you recommend QMU's diagnostic radiography degree to other people thinking about applying for a place at QMU?  

I would recommend my course to everybody interested in a different career in the NHS. The course is extensive, but the modules are very much focused on relevant practical skills, team working and continuous professional development. 

For further information about the four year radiography degree course visit Master of Radiography:Diagnostic (MDRad).

Published date: November 2022

"Queen Margaret University is one of only a handful of universities which offers the Diagnostic Radiography course in Scotland. The university has a reputation for providing a personalised experience thanks to the nature of its small campus and tight-knit community. "
Silvia Pasquale