Learning Technologies Manager

Sarah started as Learning Technologies Manager at Queen Margaret University (QMU) in October 2023, moving from the University of Stirling where she was a Learning Technologies and Design Specialist. In her new position, she is set to lead the Technology Enhanced Learning Team (TEL), using her expertise in learning technologies to spearhead new initiatives and strategies in educational technology at the university.

Sarah graduated from Napier University in Edinburgh, studying Multimedia Systems. This was where her interest sparked in learning technology, and she took a year out from her studies to travel to Ecuador and develop and implement a learning site for teachers across Ecuador. This experience developed her interest and skills in the application and use of technologies in varying educational contexts.

Sarah has gained expertise from working in different positions. She worked with the wearable technology research group at the University of Wales and was a learning technologist at Motherwell College. Over the course of several years, she held various positions at the University of Stirling within the digital learning team and was seconded to work within the academic development teams at the University of Stirling.

At QMU, Sarah's role will encompass incorporating her research and expertise into her leadership. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Education at the University of Stirling, with a focus on AI in Higher Education. This research will help to shape the development of critical AI and digital literacies at QMU.

If you are a member of staff at QMU and would like to discuss any interesting new projects related to digital pedagogies then please do get in touch, and she would be delighted to meet you.