Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education
Caryll Jack is a Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education in the Psychology, Sociology and Education Division.
- Overview
- Research Interests
- Teaching & Learning
I joined the QMU Education team in August 2021 having spent almost a decade as a class teacher in mainstream and ASN (Severe and Complex) provisions. My practice was always driven by research and an interest in inclusion, neurodiversity, curriculum driven by child-led interest, pupil voice/methods of inclusive communication and the concept of the classroom as a community of practice.
During my time in the classroom, I took part in self-generated action research to assess the engagement and curricular impact of immersive learning for sustainability projects tied to local community issues identified by the children in my class. This involved working with different agencies in partnership within the local area and across Scotland. It is my firm belief that education is not something that can stand alone within society, or that happens solely within educational establishments.
Noting the vast differences between policy and practice across establishments, I have a keen interest in the experience and meaningful inclusion of neurodivergent staff and children within mainstream primary schools.
Affiliations (including memberships) to other organisations:
- General Teaching Council of Scotland (Fully Registered Teacher)
My research interests include -
- inclusion of neurodivergent staff within the primary sector;
- experiences and inclusion of neurodivergent education students in university and placement settings;
- support for teaching staff to meet the demands of GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) in a diverse mainstream primary class;
- primary classrooms as a community of practice;
- inclusive classroom environments and meaningful mainstream inclusion;
- learning for sustainability
In 2022-23, I will be involved in a range of modules from 1st to 4th year within the undergraduate Education programme, including numeracy and Learning for Sustainability content.