Jay Brown becomes student president and graduates with a first
A drama graduate from Bathgate has achieved a first-class honours degree and secured the top position at Queen Margaret University Students’ Union.
Jay Brown, aged 21 from Bathgate, graduated from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh with a BA (Hons) Drama – first class. Following an impressive graduation ceremony in Edinburgh’s beautiful Usher Hall, Jay moves onto his position as Student President (Academic Life).
Twenty-one year old Jay, attended Saint Kentigern's Academy, Blackburn, before going on to study a four-year drama degree at QMU. Discussing his new position at the helm of the QMU Students’ Union, Jay said:
"The student experience is at the heart of all decision making at QMU and I am excited to be working alongside both students and staff to continue enhancing the overall student experience for current and future students. I'm looking forward to working with the Students’ Union (SU) team and to fostering a healthy, supportive working relationship with the University."
Jay continued: “QMU stands out from other universities because of its size and its strong sense of community. It welcomes people from all different walks of life and values individuality and freedom of expression. It is a very special place where every student really matters. All the University staff and the Students’ Union are invested in ensuring that each student has the best experience possible. All these elements together promote a sense of belonging across the student population, and it’s what makes QMU a truly unique and wonderful place to study.”
When Jay was asked to recall his favourite moment at QMU, he refers to the period just before he accepted his place at the University. He said: “While I was in my final year at Saint Kentigern's Academy, I came along to an offer holder event at QMU. My experience that day helped confirm that QMU was where I was meant to be!”
Jay loved studying on the BA (Hons) Drama, and when discussing his favourite memory of his time on the course, he said: “Getting to perform in our original play ‘We, Lavenders’, which was written, produced and performed by our theatre company ‘House of Lavender’.
Jay will spend the next year working as Student President (Academic Life) with QMU Students’ Union – then he’ll see where life takes him. He said: “At the moment, I am just delighted to be representing the student body at QMU. I don’t have a plan as to what comes next. It’s important for graduates to know that it’s OK not to have a solid plan in place after graduating. I am sure the next few years will be very exciting. As long as I’m working with people, I will be happy – that’s where I thrive!”
Notes to Editor
For further media information contact Lynne Russell, Communications Manager, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E: lrussell@qmu.ac.uk; copy to: pressoffice@qmu.ac.uk; M: 07711 011239.