QMU’s student primary teachers learn to teach cycling proficiency

By Press Office

The next generation of primary teachers that are being educated at Queen Margaret University (QMU) are being equipped to teach cycling proficiency to school pupils.  

With a fresh approach to primary education, QMU is making sure that graduates of the BA (Hons) Education Studies (Primary) develop a range of qualifications and skills which will equip primary children with important life skills. With the help of tutors from Cycling Scotland, QMU students are being given the chance to attend Bikeability Scotland Instructor training. Once qualified, the graduates will be able to teach school kids how to cycle safely, allowing them to develop their confidence and road skills and knowledge. 

Bikeability Scotland is the national cycle training programme for school children. It provides a framework for the delivery of on-road cycle training to children. The course can be integrated with the school curriculum and incorporates both practical and theoretical learning to ensure that children are equipped to cycle safely on the roads.  

Cycling Scotland instructors Lynne Hogg and Philippa Barber came to QMU to teach students from the BA (Hons) Education Studies (Primary) course how to deliver Bikeability Scotland training.  The course provides a variety of resources to enable instructors to deliver the Bikeability Scotland Level 1 and Level 2 programmes progressing through theoretical learning, fun playground activities, and all reinforced by practical on road sessions. 

Christopher Green, Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education at QMU, said: “We are absolutely delighted to welcome instructors from Cycling Scotland to give our education students Bikeability Scotland Training. 

“By providing this course we are helping to promote Bikeability among the next generation of teachers. Student teachers approaching their probationary year are ideally positioned to help support the delivery of this programme within the schools they go on to work in.  It also provides them with another skill and relevant qualification for their CV. Lastly, it's great fun and provides an opportunity for students to bring something different to the classroom!   

“In addition, the course will help build student teachersconfidence in outdoor learning by adding to their practical skills, while also boosting their confidence in facilitating activities outside of the classroom.” 

Christopher confirmed: “The response from students was very positive, with spaces filling within 24-hours!  Our hope is to run the course on a regular basis, providing the opportunity for as many students as possible to be able to support the delivery of Bikeability across Scottish primary schools.” 

Cycling Scotland tutor Philippa Barber said: “It was great to come to QMU to give this training to the next generation of primary education teachers. Bikeability Scotland training can be hugely positive for a child’s mental and physical development. It can improve their confidence, health and wellbeing and their hazard perception and awareness. Moreover, for many, cycling will be a child’s first taste of independence.” 

Philippa concluded: “For the next generation of teachers, training like this can help reinforce that learning extends beyond the confines of the classroom and that there is tremendous value for children in play-based learning.” 

Notes to Editor

Read more about Cycling Scotland here.

Read more about Bikeability Scotland here

For further media information contact John Gillespie, Media Relations and Content Officer, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E: jgillespie@qmu.ac.uk, and copy to press office E: pressoffice@qmu.ac.uk.