QMU helps develop new research awards for NHS professionals
QMU has been involved in the development of new awards which will help healthcare professionals in the NHS progress their research careers.
NHS Lothian has just launched five new awards offering research opportunities to nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, psychologists and healthcare scientists employed by the NHS.
The Lothian Clinical Academic Research Gateway Awards, which have been developed in partnership with NHS Lothian, QMU and five other Scottish universities, will offer five different gateway awards to support clinical academic research career development.
Dr Juliet MacArthur, Chief Nurse for Research and Development in NHS Lothian, who initiated the awards said: “Lothian is known for our international research reputation and our aim is to embed research skills and knowledge across NHS Lothian.
“Research is undoubtedly the answer to some of the questions the NHS faces. We want to enable our staff to undertake high quality research which will address patient needs and experiences. Investing in our staff to gain new skills that will help both them and the services they deliver for years to come is an important part of these innovative new awards.”
"We have been delighted to be involved in the development of these awards which are the first of their kind. Investing in staff, supporting their professional career development and contributing to new research within the NHS is essential for the improvement of healthcare outcomes and the strengthening of person-centred care across the health sector."
Professor Santos and Dr Pelagia Koufaki from Queen Margaret University worked with the NHS to develop the detail on a range of awards which are part of the Gateway project. QMU has nine active and current research projects led by QMU researchers (First Steps into Research), which interested NHS applicants are now able to apply to take part in. These research placement opportunities aim to support active research involvement and skills/experience development, but also strengthen the links between academic and clinical research with NHS Lothian colleagues.”
Jane Ferguson, Director of NHS Lothian Charity, said: “Healthcare professionals bring a wealth of experience and great insights to the research teams. These innovative awards are a great way of embedding clinical research as a core activity among these professions.”
Applications are now open. To find out more about the Lothian Clinical Academic Research Gateway Awards, please visit NHS Lothian’s website.
Notes to Editor
See NHS press release on Lothian Clinical Academic Research Gateway Awards for more details.
Additional information about QMU’s involvement in Lothian Clinical Academic Research Gateway Awards
Partner universities via selected staff representation (Dr Pelagia Koufaki and Prof Derek Santos from QMU), participated in monthly meetings between Nov 2021 and June 2022 with the aim to develop the range and remit of the awards offered, the terms and conditions of each award, the application process and procedures and finally the selection criteria for each one.
For further media information on QMU's involvement in these awards contact: Lynne Russell, Communications Manager, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E: lrussell@qmu.ac.uk ; M: 07711 011239. E: pressoffice@qmu.ac.uk.