QMU Principal joins Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council
Image courtesy of: Körber Foundation/Claudia Höhne.
Professor Petra Wend, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of QMU, joined leaders from over 40 universities from around the world at the second Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council in Germany from 7th-9th June 2017.
The Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council brings together university leaders from research universities worldwide, including Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. The Council is a joint initiative of the German Rectors’ Conference, the Körber Foundation and Universität Hamburg. Its central objective is to actively shape the process of global higher education development.
This year, the Council focused on the impacts of the trend towards academisation, dangers to academic freedom, how to address the growing demand for academic education worldwide and the increasing difficulty of safeguarding the quality of higher education.
The programme of the Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council, the list of participants and further information are available on the Global University Leaders Council website.