Help shape the future of physical activity and student sport

By Press Office

Interview with QMU graduate: Danna Solomon

QMU and Queen Margaret Students’ Union (QMUSU) have teamed up to support this significant research survey, which aims to get a better understanding of the impact and benefits of following an active lifestyle whilst at university.

In partnership with Precor and ukactive, Scottish Student Sport (SSS) has launched the survey to help generate invaluable evidence about the links between physical activity, sport and a number of aspects of the student experience, including: social inclusion; health & wellbeing; academic attainment; empathy; personal development and employability.

"We’re very pleased to be working in partnership with QMUSU to support the Scottish Active Students Survey. The survey reinforces the importance of our research and teaching in physical and mental health and social wellbeing, as well as our commitment to providing an environment within which our students can flourish and succeed."
Dr Richard Butt, Deputy Principal of QMU


“Throughout its history, QMU has always responded to the most important and pressing issues affecting our society. Our students continue to be involved in a significant amount of community engagement, encouraging people to take part in activity projects across a range of social care, community and third sector organisations.

“We would encourage as many QMU students as possible to complete the survey, whether you think of yourself as active or not. The findings will be of greatest value where both active and inactive QMU students respond, allowing for various comparisons to be drawn.”

Megan Richardson, QMU Student Vice President: “We’re very proud to be promoting this survey alongside QMU and SSS to investigate and shape the future of physical activity and sport. It’s something that is very close to my heart, especially as it is a huge part of my current role.

“In the Students’ Union, we’ve recently signed up the project ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’, which will support students and the Union to increase awareness of the benefits of physical activity and wellbeing to engage students who are already active or those who seek further activities. We strongly encourage all students to fill out this survey, if not for the research then for the great prizes.”


Thanks to SSS partner, Precor, all QMU survey participants will be entered into a prize draw to win a SUUNTO AMBIT3 SPORT BLACK watch with heart rate monitor, which has an RRP of £275.00.

Three further prize winners will receive an Amazon voucher to the value of £50, £75 or £100.

The findings of the survey will help SSS and its members assess the benefits of their work, and provide some very useful insights that can help shape the future of physical activity and student sport. The nationwide survey results will be presented in a report to be prepared by ukactive and will be made widely available in early 2017.

The survey is open until 30 th November 2016 and should take around 10 minutes to complete. For more information please contact the SSS office via or on 0131 650 9653.

Notes to Editor

For further media information contact Lynne Russell, Marketing Manager, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E:  T: 0131 474 0000, M: 07711 011239 and Jon Perkins, Press and PR Officer, E: T: 0131 474 0000.

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