QMU offers sustainability campus tours during Climate Week 2016

By Press Office

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh will be offering special sustainability tours of its campus from 19th – 23rd September as part of its participation in Climate Week 2016.

The University’s innovative campus set a new benchmark in sustainable design when it opened in 2007. The tours will allow students, staff and visitors to see the University’s sustainable features at QMU’s campus, including areas that are not normally accessible, such as the biomass district heating energy centre. Tour guests will also have the opportunity to learn about the University’s sustainability practice and features, as well as its aspirations for its Climate Change Plan.

As keen promoters of green transport, the University is also inviting staff, students and members of the local community to take part in cycling events during Climate Week. A cycle ride through Musselburgh and East Lothian led by QMU’s Cycle Connections Active Travel Coordinator (23rd September), and a Bike Breakfast (23rd September) will encourage people to swap their cars and public transport for the healthier and more sustainable option of pedal power.

Craig Cathcart, Chair of the Sustainability Committee at Queen Margaret University, said: “QMU is totally committed to sustainability and our focus goes well beyond the physical building – our campus was recognised as an exemplar in sustainability within the higher education sector nationally and internationally when it was built in 2007. Now, QMU places sustainability at the heart of everything we do. We take a joined up, holistic approach to the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability. We want future generations to inherit a viable planet, and that is reflected in what we do, how we do it, and the partners across the globe with whom we work. However, we recognise there is much more to be done.”

QMU strives to embed sustainability in areas of its curriculum. For example, students on the Public Sociology degree take the ‘Changing World’ module, taught by Eurig Scandrett, which involves studying the United Nations policy for tackling climate change. A module in Sustainable Consumption is also studied by students on our Physical Activity, Health and Wellbeing degree, and our Nutrition and Food Science degree.

Craig continued: “ We know that climate change is one of the most serious problems facing the world today. At our current rate of emissions of greenhouse gases, the world is likely to see increasing frequency of drought, storms, floods and disease. Moreover, most of the damage to the climate which has already happened is caused by us in ‘developed’, western, societies. We all share a responsibility to do what we can to reduce our impact significantly. Climate Week provides a great opportunity to engage the student community in QMU’s sustainability agenda. We also welcome people from the surrounding area and beyond to visit QMU during the week and take part in our sustainability tours and our other related activities.”

Sustainability Campus Tour will take place each day from 19th – 23rd September at 11.15am and 2.15pm. Bookings can be made by emailing E: ethoumire@qmu.ac.uk  

Other sustainability activities include:

  • Bike Breakfast – Friday 23rd September (meet at 8.15am – 9.15am in 1875 food court – registration required)
  • Led Ride – cycle ride in local Musselburgh and East Lothian area led by our Cycle Connections Active Travel Coordinator – Friday 23 Sept (meet at 1pm in University Square at the Bike Racks )
  • Active Travel Plan Strategy consultation events on our revised and updated strategy - Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd September from 11am – 3pm. Meet in 1875 food court.

Notes to Editor

For further media information contact Lynne Russell, Marketing Manager, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E: lrussell@qmu.ac.uk  T: 0131 474 0000, M: 07711 011239 and Jon Perkins, Press and PR Officer, E: jperkins@qmu.ac.uk T: 0131 474 0000.

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