Public Relations graduates offered new route to postgraduate study at QMU

By Press Office

Queen Margaret University (QMU), Edinburgh has teamed up with Mohawk College based in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada to offer the latter’s public relations graduates a new route to postgraduate study in Scotland.

Students who have successfully completed the Graduate Certificate in Public Relations at Mohawk College can now progress directly on to the MSc Strategic Communication and Public Relations at QMU, receiving credits for their Mohawk award. This new agreement will see Canadian students coming to Scotland for a year’s study commencing in September 2016.

Greig Lawson, International Officer at QMU, said: “We are excited to be partnering with Mohawk College and providing their PR graduates with a new pathway to postgraduate study and the opportunity to experience student life in Edinburgh.

“We are confident that this new venture will strengthen QMU’s links with Mohawk College and other educational institutions in Canada, as well as providing a platform for future collaborations.”

Keith Monrose, Dean, International & Partnerships at Mohawk College, said: “Mohawk is thrilled to provide its students with an opportunity to further their credentials and professional growth through the QMU partnership. This relationship supports key elements in our new strategic plan that ensure graduate success by embedding global competencies into our curriculum and establishing pathways to international experiences for students and faculty”

Mohawk College’s PR graduates matriculating with QMU under this agreement will be eligible for a reduction in the standard international fees for the programme.

Notes to Editor

For further media information please contact:

Queen Margaret University

Lynne Russell, Communications Manager, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, E:, T: 0131 474 0000, M: 07711 011239 or Jonathan Perkins, Press and PR Officer, E:, T: 0131 474 0000.

Mohawk College

Keith Monrose, Dean International & Partnerships, Mohawk College,, T: 1 905 575 1212, ext 4296

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