QMU’s Undergraduate Open Days - Thursday 3rd September and Saturday 3rd October 2015
It's that time of year again when we're on the lookout for fabulous QMU students to carry out paid work at the QMU undergraduate Open Days in September and October 2015.
The Undergraduate Open Days are the biggest events held on campus each year. The Open Days present a great opportunity for us to showcase our courses, facilities, accommodation, campus, staff and students.
A large amount of staff are involved, however, we couldn't run the event without the support of our Open Day helpers.
If you are outgoing, friendly, confident and proud to be part of QMU, then we'd love to hear from you.
We’re looking for students to help with campus tours, assist people in getting to different parts of the event and generally meeting and greeting visitors. It's a PR/presentation role which will also help to give you event management and communication skills experience. It's a great fun event to be involved in. You'll be on your feet all day, but it's rewarding because you get great feedback from visitors and we'll pay you in cash at the end of the day!
Full briefings/training/campus tour training will be provided prior to the event (dates still to be confirmed). We are happy to talk to you about the different roles that will be available. We will also need you to undergo some fire safety training on the morning of the event. The official opening times for Open Days are from 11am - 4pm but we would need you to start at 8am on the day. This will allow us to run over everything before visitors arrive.
If you are interested and are available on the dates above, please get in touch with me ASAP.
If you can pass us the following details, we can keep in touch over the summer about event details:
Personal email address (so we can get in touch with you easily over the summer holidays)
Mobile number:
Available for Thursday 3rd September Yes/No and Saturday 3rd October Yes/No
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Jonathan Perkins
Press and PR Officer
Queen Margaret University’s Marketing and Communications Office
Notes to Editor
For further media information please contact Jonathan Perkins, Press and PR Officer, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, tel: 0131 474 0000, Email: jperkins@qmu.ac.uk