QMU Principal in line-up for international university leaders' event

By Press Office

Professor Petra Wend, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Queen Margaret University (QMU), Edinburgh, has been invited to play a key role in an international university leaders’ conference in Hamburg, Germany, from 10-12 June 2015.

Professor Wend is the only principal from a Scottish university to take part in the event.

The 2015 Hamburg Transnational University Leaders’ Council will see around 50 university leaders from around the world come together for the first time to discuss the current key challenges that national higher education systems are confronted with.

Professor Wend is part of a working group which will focus specifically on the core mission of the university in a globalised higher education landscape.  She has also been invited to be a guest speaker at the event and will be on the summarising panel on the last day.

Commenting on QMU’s role in the event, Professor Wend, said: ”It’s a real honour to have been invited to participate in this major event for international university leaders on behalf of Queen Margaret University.

“At QMU, we strive to be a university without borders, helping to improve people’s lives locally, nationally and internationally by embracing partnership working with global communities.  The event will provide a forum to discuss the core global opportunities and challenges universities may face in the coming years.

Although based in Scotland, QMU has a truly international flavour.  Around 25 per cent of our students are international, coming from over 70 countries throughout the world.  Through collaborative partnerships, a number of the courses we teach in Scotland are now also taught in various centres of learning throughout the world, including India, Singapore, Greece and the Gulf States.  Some of our agreements allow international students to come to QMU to study part, or all, of their degree course.

QMU has been working in Singapore since 2003 and offers a range of courses through its QMU Asia partner, East Asia Institute of Management.  In 2011, QMU became the first British university to offer a British degree delivered face-to-face in Nepal.  QMU’s courses have also been delivered in India for well over a decade.

The 2015 Hamburg Transnational University Leaders’ Council is co-organised by the German Rectors’ Conference, the Körber Foundation, and the Universität Hamburg. 

Notes to Editor

For further media information please contact Jonathan Perkins, Press and PR Officer, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, tel: 0131 474 0000, Email: jperkins@qmu.ac.uk

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