QMU Principal officiates in Singapore’s East Asia Institute of Management convocation ceremony

By Press Office

Queen Margaret University’s Principal and Vice -Chancellor, Professor Petra Wend, officiated at the East Asia Institute of Management’s (EASB) convocation ceremony in Singapore in December.

Since 2003 , the partnership between QMU and EASB, one of Singapore’s premier private higher education organisations, has opened up UK higher education opportunities for students across the Asia Pacific region.

The collaboration has seen increased numbers of students from Asia, and further afield, study in Singapore and gain a degree from Queen Margaret University. Over recent years, EASB has extended its portfolio of QMU degrees from hospitality and tourism management, to include postgraduate business courses and programmes for registered nurses.

This year, the Principal was delighted to preside over the ceremony which saw 222 EASB students graduate with a QMU degree.



Commenting on the recent convocation ceremony, Professor Wend, said: “Like EASB, Queen Margaret University is focused on developing education which is relevant to the changing needs of society. That is why our graduates are amongst the most sought after in the world of work. Armed with specialist skills and a degree from an institution renowned for excellence, the new graduates will now have the power to make a difference to individuals and to society

The Principal concluded: “I am proud of our work in Singapore and of our ability to help students achieve their goals and make a difference to our communities at home and across the globe. Our drive, and that of our graduates, to be a positive influence on their profession, and to improve the lives of others, will ensure that they are true to Queen Margaret University’s mission of enhancing the well-being of individuals and the communities we serve.”

After a memorable convocation ceremony in the morning, EASB celebrated an unforgettable 2014 with its Annual Dinner and Dance to commemorate the achievements of staff and partners, celebrate new partnerships and enjoy the highly anticipated Voice of EASB finals. EASB's panel of judges included Mr Li Fei Hui, legendary musician and season veteran of the local music industry, Mr Peng Chi Sheng, one of the directors of the esteemed Intune Academy (the music school the EASB VOICE contestants attended for their training) and Ms Rachel Kor, Head of School for preparatory studies and student services.

He Qi Yang, first-class honours graduate from Queen Margaret University, won this year’s finals with a close finish from first runner up, Giovani Budianto, and second runner up, Ning KeKe.

Notes to Editor

EASB students who graduated with QMU degrees in 2014 studied on the following courses:

- BA in International Hospitality & Tourism Management 

- MBA in Hospitality Management 

- PgDip in Hospitality Management  

- MSc in International Hospitality Management & Leadership 

- BSc in Professional Practice – Nursing

For further media information please contact Jonathan Perkins, Press and PR Officer, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, tel: 0131 474 0000, Email: jperkins@qmu.ac.uk 

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