QMU Disciplinary Procedure


The procedure applies to all employees regardless of length of service. This disciplinary procedure is not part of your contractual terms of employment, except to the extent that it imposes obligations on you.

The procedure does not apply to agency workers or self employed contractors. It does not apply to dismissals due to redundancy or the non-renewal of a fixed term contract on its expiry.
The purpose of the disciplinary procedure to encourage all employees to achieve and maintain appropriate standards of conduct and performance and to provide a framework within which managers can work with employees to maintain satisfactory standards of conduct and to encourage improvement where necessary. The application of disciplinary action is intended to be corrective and not punitive. Following the procedures outlined below will help to ensure that the University behaves fairly towards all of its employees in investigating and dealing with alleged instances of unacceptable conduct, performance or capability.

The University reserves the right to depart from the precise requirements of its disciplinary procedure specified below where it is expedient or reasonable to do so.

The disciplinary procedure may begin at any stage (including dismissal) depending on the circumstances.
The University expects all employees to adhere to appropriate standards of conduct and performance. The following is a list of examples of conduct and performance which are not acceptable and which will result in disciplinary action being taken against an employee . This list is not exhaustive. If you are in doubt as to your responsibilities or the standards of conduct expected you should speak to your Manager or the HR department ;

  • poor performance;
  • sub-standard work;
  • poor time-keeping;
  • unauthorised absence;
  • unpresentable appearance;
  • negligence;
  • failure to carry out a reasonable instruction;
  • inappropriate or irresponsible behaviour towards an University staff member or student, or external contacts, key stakeholders and the general public;
  • misusing, damaging or losing University property;
  • breach of University rules, policies or procedures , or
  • breach of your terms and conditions of employment; and
  • any action that might damage the University’s reputation