QMU Combined Boardroom

Combined Conference and Boardroom 

(Large & Small Rooms Combined)

[image of room] 


[image of room] 

Seating Type :


Capacity :

Theatre - 60 seated

Boardroom - 50 seated 

Classroom - 40 seated 

U-shaped - 40 seated

Cabaret - 42 seated

Room Dimensions:

Length: 15 metres 

Width: 6 Metres

Height: 2.5Metres

AV Equipment:

Plasma Screen


Facility to play/show CDs & DVDs

Facility to use laptop

Extra equipment (flipcharts, display boards lectern) can be provided on request

Other useful Information:

This room is wheelchair accessible

{image carousel}[ image of room] [ image of room] [ image of room] {image carousel}