Postgraduate Transcript Guidance (2022/23)
*Please note that important information, relating to the impact of Interim Regulations on your Module and Progression decisions (due to the UCU marking and assessment boycott), are in large bold text on this page.*
The Student Academic Transcript is the official record of your performance at Queen Margaret University. It contains details of the modules undertaken in each academic session, the level at which each module was assessed, the credit gained for each module (where relevant), and the grade, mark and result gained in each module.
At the foot of the transcript there will be a statement confirming your current progression/award status, as agreed by the Board of Examiners, and Senate (in the case of award decisions).
Grade and Mark Information
The following grade, mark and result information applies:
For modules September 2015 – September 2021 |
Grade |
Mark |
Result |
Award Classification |
A |
70% and above |
P = PASS |
Distinction |
B |
60 - 69.9% |
P = PASS |
Merit |
C |
50 - 59.9% |
P = PASS |
Pass |
D |
40 - 49.9% |
F = FAIL |
n/a |
E |
30 - 39.9% |
F = FAIL |
n/a |
F |
20 - 29.9% |
F = FAIL |
n/a |
G |
<20% |
F = FAIL |
n/a |
AP |
Assessment Pending |
D = Deferred |
n/a |
EC |
Extenuating Circumstances |
D = Deferred |
n/a |
FF |
Fail |
F = Fail |
n/a |
NS |
Non-Submission |
F = Fail |
n/a |
PP |
Pass |
P = Pass |
n/a |
Q |
Qualifying Fail |
F = Fail |
n/a |
For modules completed from academic year 2021-2 |
Grade |
Mark |
Result |
Award Classification |
A |
70% and above |
P = PASS |
Distinction |
B |
60 - 69.9% |
P = PASS |
Merit |
C |
50 - 59.9% |
P = PASS |
Pass |
D |
40 - 49.9% |
F = FAIL |
n/a |
E |
<40% |
F = FAIL |
n/a |
RP |
Result Pending |
D = Deferred |
n/a |
SP |
Submission Pending |
D = Deferred |
n/a |
EC |
Extenuating Circumstances |
D = Deferred |
n/a |
FF |
Fail |
F = Fail |
n/a |
NS |
Non-Submission |
F = Fail |
n/a |
PP |
Pass |
P = Pass |
n/a |
Q |
Qualifying Fail |
F = Fail |
n/a |
- Qualifying fail – although the overall module mark achieved is 50% or more, you have achieved a mark below the minimum permitted mark in a component.
- Where the grade shows PP or FF this indicates that the module is assessed on a Pass/Fail basis only.
Result Pending – The assessment for this module has been submitted and the result is pending.
Submission Pending – The submission date for this module has still to take place. *During 2022-23, Result Pending may be due to outstanding marks relating to the UCU marking boycott; this may be the case on more than one of your modules. You should consult the reassessment letter on the student portal for further information.* - Where the result shows D this indicates that the result on the module is deferred (normally due to extenuating circumstances) and you are required to undertake the deferred attempt at that module.
- Depending on your programme specific regulations, unless you have been required to withdraw or have been otherwise instructed by your Programme Leader, if you have failed a module at the second attempt, you will be required to be reassessed in the failed component as a third attempt. *You should consult the reassessment letter on the Student Portal for details of any reassessment/repeat requirements.*
- *During 2022/23, where some marks may not be available, under the Interim regulations the Board of Examiners may have made an award recommendation on the basis of two thirds of the assessable work at that level being available. Award recommendations agreed by Boards of Examiners on the basis of incomplete assessment information, as provided by these regulations, will be revisited upon receipt of complete assessment information. Under these provisions, awards made by Boards of Examiners may be confirmed or improved, but may not be downgraded or rescinded.*
- The award of Postgraduate Diploma or Masters may be granted with Distinction or Merit. A Distinction is granted if the overall weighted average mark is 70% or more. A Merit is granted if the overall weighted average mark is 60% or more. Each module is weighted according to its credit value.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If you have been granted exemption from a module or level due to RPL/APEL credits, this will be shown against the academic session in which the exemption was granted.
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
The level shown against the module reflects the academic level at which it was assessed. This equates to the following Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level:
D - Scottish Higher Education Doctorate Level = SCQF Level 12
M - Scottish Higher Education Masters Level = SCQF Level 11
SCQF Level 11 includes a number of qualifications that differ only in the volume of credit, not in level of outcomes. The taught awards that fall within the Level 11 category are: MSc, MA, MFA, MBA, MPA, MRes, Integrated Masters, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate. Credit definitions for each of these qualifications are given in the QAA Framework for Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions in Scotland, 2001 (QAA, 2001).
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
ECTS enables students from across the EU to obtain academic credit in another institution or country and have that academic credit recognised in their 'Home' institution as counting towards their eventual award.
In Scotland, a one year full-time programme of study carries 120 SCOTCAT points which is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits. For example, 5 ECTS credits corresponds to 10 SCOTCAT credits at QMU.
Module Decision Guidelines
If you have failed at the first or second attempt and are being reassessed as a second or third attempt you must register for the reassessment attempt for this module. You are required to pay a reassessment fee of £40 per module (to a maximum of £120) and the maximum mark you can achieve is 50%.
Progress Decision Guidelines
Continue – passed all assessments
You have passed all modules and may proceed to the next level of the course. If you have become eligible for a specific Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma, this will also be detailed.
Required to be re-assessed in the failed module(s) before continuing
You must undertake reassessments in the failed module(s) before progressing to the next level of the course.
Continue – but required to be assessed in the failed/deferred module(s) in next academic year
You may progress to the next level of the course but are required to undertake an assessment for the failed/deferred module(s) during the next academic session. *Interim Regulations in place during 2022-23, mean that in cases where marks are outstanding for up to 40 credits (due to the UCU marking boycott), the University has made the decision that you may proceed to the next level of your programme*
Continue – but required to repeat the failed module(s) in next academic year
You may progress to the next level of the course but are required to repeat the failed module(s) during the next academic session.
Offered opportunity to repeat the entire level in next academic year before continuing
You may not progress to the next level of the course and must repeat the entire level as a full-time student during the next academic session.
Offered opportunity to repeat failed module(s) in next academic year as a part-time student before continuing
You may not progress to the next level of the course and must repeat the failed module(s) as a part-time student during the next academic session.
Continue in part time registration
You are currently a part-time student and have passed enough module(s) to allow you to continue in part-time registration.
No re-assessment allowed – required to withdraw from course
Due to the level of failure you are not offered any further reassessments and must withdraw from the course.
Decision deferred – outstanding assessments as a first diet
The Board of Examiners has been unable to make a decision on your progress/award as you have outstanding assessment(s) which you are required to undertake.*Decision Deferred may also be used in cases where more than 40 credits of marks are outstanding due to the UCU marking boycott, in which case, as soon as marks become available, a decision on your progress/award may be taken.*
Decision deferred – outstanding re-assessments
The Board of Examiners has been unable to make a decision on your progress/award as you have outstanding assessment(s) which you are required to undertake as a second attempt. *Decision Deferred – outstanding reassessments may also be used in cases where more than 40 credits of marks are outstanding due to the UCU marking boycott, in which case, as soon as marks become available, a decision on your progress/award may be taken.*
European Diploma Supplement
The European Diploma Supplement providing detailed information on the levels of qualifications can be found here.
Academic Appeals
If you consider that you have grounds for appeal, please consult the Academic Regulations, which can be found at here.
If you have any general queries regarding the Student Academic Transcript, please e-mail
Division of Registry and Academic Administration - June 2023