MSc Person-Centred Practice & Associate Modules - Induction Programme

We are delighted that you have chosen to study with QMU and we are looking forward to supporting you throughout your studies. You can also view further Induction Information & Support via our General Information and Support Page

Please click on the dates below to view your Induction Schedule

Monday 9th January

Time Event Location 
10.00 - 12.00 Programme Talk


Details of how to access this session will be sent to you OR you can click the following link to join the Programme Talk* 

13.00 - 13.30 IT Tour

Online Session (pre-recorded).

This session can be watched at the allotted time or at your convenience. Watch the IT Tour session online.

*Access to the session will be available 30 minutes before the start time, please make sure to join on time.

Friday 12th January

Time Event Location
10.00 - 11.00 University Welcome Talk

Halle Lecture Theatre

13.00 - 14.00 Discover Library Essentials*

Lecture Theatre Room 3169

*Details of how to access this session will be emailed to you.

Please watch this library induction video before attending this session.

 You can also view further Induction Information & Support via our Main Induction Pages