Name: Jessica Fisher

Course: BA (Hons) Education Studies (Primary)

Year of Study: Year 2

Hometown & Country: Dunfermline, Scotland

What has been the highlight of your time at QMU so far?

So far, my highlight at QMU has been really starting to work towards the career I’ve wanted for so many years, especially through placement which has been the most amazing experience – it’s so beneficial seeing how the theory I’ve learnt about in my uni classes relates to real-life practice in schools. I’ve also loved joining societies and getting to know lots of new people on different courses, as this has really broadened my circle of friends and helped me form deep, supportive friendships.

What is one thing you wish you knew before coming to university at QMU?

I wish I had known how easy it is to ask your lecturers questions and get them answered. Certainly, this year, I’ve emailed my lecturers a lot to ask them various things and they’ve always replied in good time with helpful answers. Also, over the course of a semester I feel that I get to know my seminar leads very well and so I feel comfortable asking them questions in class too.

What is your favourite thing about being an ambassador for QMU?

My favourite thing about being an ambassador is working at the open days because I really enjoy talking to all the prospective students and finding out what courses they’re interested in studying, and I especially enjoy getting to gush about my course and how much I love it to everyone who’s interested in primary education! I also enjoy telling people about the wonderful experiences I’m having here at QMU and why they should consider studying here too.

"Placement has been the most amazing experience - it's so beneficial seeing how the theory I’ve learnt about in my uni classes relates to real-life practice in schools."
Jessica Fisher