Part 5
Still sweating after my shower at the Uni gym, I sat in Maggie’s Bar throwing back a Bacon Roll and Coffee. Just over two pounds, I couldn’t believe it!
Heather and I had agreed to meet each other to discuss potential funding for my exchange. I had no idea what this was, how much we were talking about and what I would need to do to obtain it. We had also agreed to meet on email so I was extra stressed as I didn’t know what she looked like. Luckily at 09.30 on Friday morning the union wasn’t buzzing, I happened to be the only one there.
After pleasantries I filled in Heather where I had been up till now and why I wanted to do an exchange. Heather was very helpful and thorough when informing me of several funding opportunities, most importantly the Santander Fund. Once again I left with a beaming smile on my face. Heather had agreed to offer me funding to support my exchange. In return I agreed I would support her in the future to help students with any queries they may have with regards to an exchange.
University picked, Modules selected, finances managed and my wife has already looked at flights for her holiday whilst I’m there.
So to answer my original question….
Can I do an exchange to the United States when I am 28 years old, married, have a mortgage to pay and have a job?…
Hell yes I can.
I have spent a lot of time in this blog thus far talking about worries I had, how I would survive 3000 miles away with commitments at home and can I really manage the work load? Let’s not forget although I will study and be assessed to contribute towards my degree, I will also be in Pennsylvania!
I can watch the American Football when it is intended to be watched on a Sunday. I can indulge myself in a culture I have been fascinated since going to Seattle in 2002. I can eat American food, drink American drink and be loved by everyone just because I’m Scottish. Everybody loves a Scot. Yeah?
It’s not only about the academic experience, it’s all about the life experience and potential career opportunities post QMU.
I hope this blog has been useful to answer any worries anyone may have about looking to find out more about an exchange. The team at RILO are the experts however I thought it would be helpful to share my experience over the last month as I thought, I could never do this. Now I’m off to Pennsylvania for 16 weeks!
I will update this blog regularly from now until I return from my exchange in May 2017. I will also post more leading up to my exchange to share my experience with QMU and the students taking there valuable drinking time to read my blog!
Thanks again for reading and I’ll check in soon.