Psychosocial Interventions for Displaced Populations
Applications now open for this interactive online course, aimed to strengthen capacity for psychosocial response in humanitarian contexts.
22 March – 30 April 2021
This online course reviews recent developments in the field of psychosocial programming in humanitarian contexts and examines the evidence-base for effective, quality programming. It is suitable for professional development, both for those wishing to explore this rapidly developing area of humanitarian response and for those with significant experience in the field who wish to consolidate their understanding of effective practice.
The material builds upon the substantial research, field experience and networks of the two course facilitators, Dr Carola Eyber and Dr Rebecca Horn, to create a lively, interactive learning approach that draws upon the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of our global participants.
Participants registered on the course will work through ten units of material – featuring readings, narrated PowerPoints, videos etc. – over a six-week period. A discussion board provides a context for interaction between participants as well as with course facilitators. Those wishing to gain academic credit for study will then complete a written assignment.
Course Leaders:
What requirements do I need?
Participants need access to a computer with broadband internet connection to engage with course materials and the discussion board.
Those wishing to gain academic credit for the course must meet the entry requirements as an Associate Student for Masters level study.
What accreditation will I receive?
Those completing the course for academic credit will be awarded 15 credit points (equivalent to one-twelfth of a Masters degree award).
The course is accredited by TropEdEurop.
What content will I study?
All units involve discussion of principles and frameworks, evidence-base and emerging best practice.
- The Developing Field of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
- The MHPSS Guidelines
- Current Policy and Practice Developments:
- Approaches to Psychosocial Support: Child Friendly Spaces
- Approaches to Psychosocial Support: Gender, Conflict and Displacement
- Approaches to Psychosocial Support: Community-Based Approaches
- Approaches to Psychosocial Support: Mainstreaming into Other Sectors
- Approaches to Psychosocial Support: Humanitarian Staff Care
- Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Psychosocial Programming
- Capacity Building for Psychosocial Support
Fee: £720
Apply: Contact for information about how you can apply for this course.